Laser Acupuncture

What Is Laser Acupuncture Therapy?


Laser Acupuncture is a form of Laser Therapy that has the added benefits of treating the whole body in addition to the site of injury and/or pain.


The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines Laser Acupuncture as the use of low-level laser beam instead of an acupuncture needle to stimulate an acupuncture point.  


How Do Therapeutic Lasers Work?


Therapeutic medical lasers heal tissue ailments by “injecting” billions of photons of visible and/or invisible laser light deep into tissue structures. Tissue naturally contains protein strands called chromosphores and cytochromes located in the mitochondria of a cell, which have the unique ability to absorb laser light energy and transform it into chemical energy for the cell. This chemical energy is utilized by the tissue to significantly accelerate the healing process and reduce pain in the body naturally.


How Long Have Lasers Been In Clinical Use?


Medical Lasers have been in clinical use since 1960. What most people don’t know is that there are different types of lasers, and the lasers used for Laser Therapy/Laser Acupuncture are known as “Low Level Laser”, “Low Intensity Laser”, or “Photo-bio-stimulation laser”. The type of laser used for Laser Therapy/Laser Acupuncture is different than lasers used in surgery, dentistry or even hair removal.


Does Laser Therapy/Laser Acupuncture Hurt?


Laser Therapy/Laser Acupuncture is painless. It is non-thermal (does not heat up) and it does not pierce the skin like needle acupuncture.


What Are Some Of The Benefits of Laser Therapy?


Laser therapy may:

  • Reduce Healing Time and Eliminate or Reduce Pain
  • Restore Normal Range of Motion
  • Enhance the Immune System
  • Reduce the Need for Surgery

Laser therapy is:

  • Non-Toxic and Non-Invasive
  • No Side Effects or Pain
  • Safe

What Are The Biological Effects Of Laser Therapy?


  • Anti-Inflammatory - Laser light reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to give enhanced joint mobility.
  • Increased Vascular Activity – Laser light induces temporary vasodilation (increasing blood flow to damaged areas).
  • Stimulated Nerve Function – Slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue can result in “dead” limbs or numb areas. Laser light speeds the process of nerve call reconnection to bring the numb areas back to life.
  • Faster Wound Healing – Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
  • Increased Metabolic Activity – Higher outputs of specific enzymes; greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells and thus greater production of the basic food source for all cells, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP).
  • Rapid Cell Growth – Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
  • Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation – Laser light reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns or post-surgery.