New Patient Information

What to Expect at Your First Visit

The first visit typically lasts for 60-90 minutes.  During this time we will review your medical history and concerns, current medications and supplements, and what your health goals are.  This will include what is called a "review of systems" - in other words, we will go through the function of all of your body systems to identify patterns of imbalance that indicate the underlying cause of your concerns.  Your naturopathic doctor may recommend a physical exam or further testing depending on your concerns.

Preparing For Your Visit

When you book your first appointment we will email you a link to our intake form.  If you have no email address, come by the office to pick up a copy.  The intake forms are used as a framework to review your medical history and concerns during the first visit - they also give you a chance to review any medications or supplements you may be taking.  

Intake Form - Adult
Intake Form - Adult.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [849.6 KB]
Intake Form - Pediatric (18 years and under)
Intake Form - Pediatric.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [235.5 KB]

Fragrance-Free Policy

A number of our patients have chemical sensitivites and we ask that all patients refrain from wearing any scented products on the day you visit the office.  Examples include perfumes, colognes, scented body lotions, and essential oils.

Cancellation Policy

Your appointment time is reserved specifically for you.  If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please provide at least 48hrs notice.