Fee Schedule Update

As of August 1st, 2024 our fee schedule will be adjusted to be in compliance with the centralized fee schedule set by British Columbia Naturopathic Doctors. Fees are expected to be within 10% of the set schedule, which is currently $234/hour.

In consideration of the economic hardship experienced in the region over the past two years, our clinic chose not to increase the fee schedule in 2023.


We will continue to set our fee schedule below the recommended rate, as we feel that is reasonable and fair when considering the socioeconomic factors in our region. We hope this is helpful to our patients in maintaining access to naturopathic care.


Fee Schedule as of August 1st, 2024

Initial appointment (90 minutes) $292.50

Initial pediatric appointment (60 minutes) $195

Follow-up appointment (45 minutes) $146.25

Follow-up appointment (30 minutes) $97.50

Follow-up appointment (15 minutes) $48.75


Additional fees which we will not be increasing at this time:

  • Written letter from our Naturopathic Physician: Base rate of $35 (up to $50 for extensive letters)
  • Chart transfer fee: $15 (To cover admin time, including the cost of copying, faxing, and mailing charts.)
  • Chart Review $130/hour. For time spent reviewing extensive medical history, lab reports or complex care planning. 

Prescription Refills

Starting July 1, 2021 we are asking that anyone requiring a pharmaceutical prescription refill book a brief 15 minute appointment. Before refilling a prescription we review your chart to ensure that your health monitoring is up to date, that there are no new contraindications or potential interactions, and that the prescription is still indicated. If you are actively attending the clinic we will do this during your appointments, but for anyone who is doing well and no longer attending the clinic regularly, we want to ensure that you are well cared for.